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By: Sr. Katrina Hasan Hamilton and by Sr. Najmah Brown

Washington, D.C. | | June 17, 2021 | On behalf of MPAC’s African American Insight Council, It is great to hear that President Biden has passed the Juneteenth Bill into law, creating a new federal holiday commemorating the end of slavery in the United States of America. 


However, in 2021, over 156 years following emancipation, African Americans represent 13.2% of the total population in the US but are 23.8% of the poverty population, have an unemployment rate of 9.9% and currently make up about 33% of the population of Americans incarcerated in prison. 


African Americans fared much better in terms of employment, home ownership and education during the early 1900s versus today. The reason why is deeply connected with policy and legislation that has disproportionately impacted the African American community, which resulted in high poverty, mass incarceration, poor education, unemployment and other social issues. 


With the passing of the Juneteenth Bill, we hope it creates a domino effect for the passage of other very necessary legislation to repair the African American community for once and for all. 


American Muslim Insight Council 


Sr. Katrina Hamilton Hasan, Educator

Sr. Khulood Madany, CPA

Sr. Najmah Brown, Attorney 

Imam Abu Qadir Al-amin 


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