Here’s Martin’s stance: If an infrastructure package doesn’t include meaningful action on climate change, it shouldn’t count on every Democratic vote.

Here’s why: Climate change is the greatest, most existential crisis we face.

With this infrastructure package, we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to take action on climate and create millions of jobs. To not seize this moment would be a disservice to our children and all future generations.

If you agree that the Senate must approve an infrastructure package that addresses climate change like the crisis it is, add your name:


We have the opportunity to move New Mexico and our country forward by establishing a clean energy standard to move toward 100% carbon-pollution free power and building a more resilient, reliable, 21st-century electric grid.

We can address climate change in an immediate, actionable way that puts millions of people to work by investing in the widespread electrification of appliances and machines in American homes and businesses.

And we must do everything we can to preserve our public lands and waters for future generations by protecting the Arctic Refuge from oil and gas drilling.

There’s a measure Martin has led on in the Senate that needs to also be included: mobilizing the next generation of conservation workers through the new Civilian Climate Corps to repair landscapes, grow our outdoor economy, and strengthen our resilience to climate change.

These are bold, substantial climate provisions. They shouldn’t be ignored in favor of a watered-down infrastructure package that doesn’t treat the climate crisis with the urgency it requires.

If you agree, add your name next to Martin’s. Call on the Senate to bring forward an infrastructure package that acts urgently on climate.


Thanks for speaking out.

—Team Heinrich



Paid for by Martin Heinrich for Senate

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Martin Heinrich for Senate
PO Box 25763
Albuquerque, NM 87125
United States