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The American Prospect, print edition
We release our print issues six times a year—one every other month, and you can find most of our past issues online. Here are some highlights:

Caregiving in Crisis, 2020: Prospect reader Dr. Peter Dreier, Distinguished Professor of Politics at Occidental College had this to say about this special report on the promise of Universal Family Care: "Professors of sociology, women’s studies, and social workwho teach courses on care giving, the family and social welfareshould assign the entire issue to students."

The current state of family care in the U.S. is wholly inadequate, but there is a solution: A universal social-insurance system that would cover all these needs for everyone. As executive editor David Dayen lays out, this report examines problems and solutions in three critical areas: Early childhood and education; paid family and medical leave; and long-term services and support for seniors and people with disabilities. Watch our special event featuring three of the writers from the issue here.


The Green New Deal, 2019 - In the inaugural piece for the issue, founding co-editor Robert Kuttner asserts that it’s always been part of the Prospect’s mission to connect practical policy and social movements to politics. In this special issue, we tackled the hardest questions directly, explaining how seemingly radical ideas can become real, and demonstrating that drastic change is not only urgent, but also possible.

By becoming a member, you can receive the print edition as a part of your membership perks!

We hope you’ll join us today.


Ellen J. Meany
Publisher, The American Prospect

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