Take our quiz!
An image of the text 'How much do you know about the climate crisis?' on a yellow background alongside a cartoon picture of the World.
Dear Friend,
Will you get 100% on our quiz? Hardly anyone does!
The climate crisis is happening right now, impacting those least responsible for it first and worst.
Extreme weather such as drought and flooding are destroying the livelihoods of farming families like Grace's in Kenya, who my colleague Sylvia in Kenya recently wrote to you about.
How much do you really know about the climate crisis? Would you consider yourself a climate champion? Test your knowledge today by taking the quiz.
J. Michael Coburn
Executive Director of US Development
Send a Cow US
PO Box 40730
1210 S Glebe Rd
Arlington, VA 22204

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Send a Cow US is a registered 501c3 charity in the United States
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