Hi John,
Please Save the Date June 25th for One Wish: Justice: A Rally for Justice for Tamir on His Birthday
On the day of the sentencing of Derrick Chauvin, we will rally in Washington D.C. and Cleveland to demand Justice for Tamir Rice, who’s case deserves to be re-opened by the U.S. Department of Justice. Trump’s DoJ did NOT honestly investigate the killing of Tamir, and so we are urging the new administration to uphold their public commitment to the protection of civil rights and take action to end police impunity for racist violence by investigating, indicting, and convicting Tamir’s killers immediately.
We have hope, and our hope is in our collective perseverance and dedication. Turn out and show support for this important people’s action seeking justice 7-long-years later for 12-year-old Tamir Rice. Let’s keep our promise to Ms. Rice, and the families victimized by police violence in this country. We The People have her back.
Also please donate what you can to help cover financial expenses incurred by this action. The more we raise, the more we are able to provide for services that meet the collective needs of participation, including printing costs for flyers, materials for signs, transportation expenses, and bail for those who may be detained as a part of this righteous pursuit. Can you drop $38, which is twice his would-be age of 19, in Samaria Rice’s Cashapp $samariarice?
Please donate what you can. And please sign our letter to the DoJ if you have not already done so.
Thank you,