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Weekend Edition, June 19-20, 2021

Is There a Silver Lining in the PC Woke Snowflake Cancel Culture?

Walter E. Block

How the British Invented George Soros

Richard Poe


L. Reichard White

Free At Last

James Howard Kunstler

Capitol Protesters Are Beaten Almost to Death, and Punished Whenever Fox News Talks About Them

Vincent James

Consent of the Governed?

Robert Higgs

End the Draft Permanently

Jacob G. Hornberger

Pfizer & Moderna Fail To Respond to British Medical Journal About Covid Vaccine Safety Concerns

Arjun Walia

Too Much Liquidity

Alasdair Macleod

Houston Methodist Hospital Set To Terminate Unvaccinated Employees

Joe Martino

Planet on a Pivot

Alexander Mercouris + Tom Luongo Part 2

Fear Is Contagious and Used To Control You

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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