While preparing for a nationwide tour to rally support for the For the People Act, voting rights champion Stacey Abrams noted that “with voting rights under attack in 48 out of 50 state legislatures across the country, the moment has never been more urgent, and it will take all of us to ensure that Congress passes the voting rights protections our country and democracy desperately need.”
Abrams is right, John. Now more than ever, we need to protect our elections and ensure that democracy makes it past this cycle.
The For the People Act was already passed in the House, and Democrats have control of the Senate. But some moderate Democrats like Sen. Joe Manchin refuse to get on board until the GOP agrees with expanded voting rights, which will never happen.
We don't have time to reason with a party that continues to spread dangerous lies about our election -- a party that is right now working to strip voting rights in nearly every state.
Please, will you stand in support with progressive women like Stacey Abrams and help us send a message to the lawmakers in Washington? Let us know where you stand now:
Should the Senate pass the For the People Act?
Thank you for providing your input as we work to strengthen our democracy and support the progressive women bringing change to Washington.
Our work would be impossible without you.
A Woman's Place

A Woman's Place PAC
PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
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