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Democrats Are Launching Their 

'Final Solution' to Take Down Trump


If you missed the epic news last night, you must've been comatose. 

Democrats finally removed all doubt about how deliriously obsessed they are with impeaching President Trump.

With Nancy Pelosi's announcement that the House has officially launched impeachment proceedings, the war for 2020 is out in the open and it's GONE NUCLEAR.

And the Tea Party is already weighing in huge to defend President Trump. We need you onboard IMMEDIATELY!

Pelosi and her merry band of socialist thugs have ZERO facts on their side...

...but that's never stopped them before! 



Democrats have been wringing their hands in hopes this day would come...

...and now it's here - they're going to gamble EVERYTHING on this one bet.

The Russia-collusion investigation is over after an abysmal failure, but it was merely a warm-up act. We knew that the witch hunt was only just getting started. 

All along the strategy has been to take President Trump down BEFORE the 2020 election heats up because Democrats know they're going to lose.

Trump poll numbers are sitting at 53% - FAR better than Obama's numbers before he was reelected...and that was during a huge recession.

Pelosi knows this is her only chance to stop Trump's reelection, so they're going ALL IN!

Here's Rush exposing Pelosi and her House lapdogs plan:

"There are no facts in this story. There's another anonymous source. Nobody had seen the transcript of Trump's call with the Ukrainian leader [yet], nobody had seen the whistleblower complaint [yet]. There's nobody who knows anything, folks. It's exactly like the Russia situation...There's a strategy here."

Rush is SPOT ON! 

The liberal media is already likening the Democrats' continued witch hunt to the Nixon investigation! 

It's all part of the plan: 

1. Find a bogus scandal to justify impeachment

2. Give the leftist media talking points about how this is "bigger than Watergate"

3. Get Democrats to vote a majority on impeachment

4. Flog the "impeached President" label all the way until November 2020

And it's just more proof of the Pelosi, Leftist media cabal colluding with the Deep State to take out President Trump!



But we're pushing back to expose the truth to the American people...

And we're putting our patriot army into battle to destroy the Left's narrative, but we can't do it without your urgent help.

Conservative stalwart blogger Erick Erickson just nailed the left to the wall:

"The Democrats have been trying to use partisan whistleblowers in the bureaucracy to discredit President Trump and, conveniently, a year before the election they've found one...This is going to be the Christine Blasey Ford of whistleblower allegations. There'll be no direct knowledge, no corroborating witnesses, and the Democrats will insist it is the truth with helpful assists from the New York Times and Washington Post."

That about sums it up, folks!

But wait, there's more...

For the hat trick, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky just dropped an H-bomb on the Democrats' treason narrative:

"[The call with President Trump was] good phone call, it was normal...nobody push[ed] me [to investigate Joe Biden or his son Hunter.]"

BOOM! Game. Set. Match.

Democrats just stepped in a GIANT pile of sh*t, and President Trump dared them to do it.

But here's the deal: don't think for one minute Pelosi and her stooges will give up on this.

They're stark raving mad, and now they have some epic egg on their faces.

That's why we MUST DEFEND TRUMP at all cost, because Democrats have now proven they CANNOT understand reason... they've gone ape-sh*t crazy.

Trump is fighting for us, and now we must fight for him. Will you help us mobilize TODAY?


Steve Eichler



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