Did you know that a hen and her chicks begin communicating with each other before the chicks are even hatched? Or that chickens have a natural lifespan of 5-10 years, but are slaughtered for meat when they’re still babies—at just six weeks old? Did you know that they can plan for the future and demonstrate self-control?
I didn’t. And honestly, I know some humans who could take a lesson or two on that last one. Like most of us, I grew up on the lies the meat industry was spreading—is still spreading—and for a long time I didn’t know about the horrors they were hiding behind closed doors.
The meat industry thrives because of its secrecy. There’s only one thing they fear: exposure. Together we can shine a light on the cruel, dark world of factory farming.
The scale of animal suffering on factory farms is staggering. Billions of animals suffer in overgrown bodies, struggling to breathe under their own weight. And after weeks of agony, they face a brutal and archaic slaughter that will result in thousands of animals being boiled alive each week. Each one of them was just as sweet and playful—just as deserving of life—as my dog, Fitz.
I found out the truth in high school. Some of my friends stopped eating meat, and I did too. And then I started to learn more about what was happening in those dark, windowless sheds that are kept so intentionally out of view. The pain. The suffering. The complete and utter disregard for life. Once I saw the reality, I knew I had to do something to help.
I imagine that you had a similar moment in your life. When something or someone pulled back the curtain and you saw what the meat industry was trying to hide from you.
You’re here. You’re taking action. You’re fighting back against greedy corporations that profit from animal abuse. But they thrive under a veil of secrecy. They outnumber and outspend us by an enormous margin, and we need more people to see the truth and fight back with us.
They may be powerful—but I know there’s one thing they fear: exposure.
That’s why I’m offering to match every donation that comes in before June 30—up to $25,000. If you’ll join me, and if we can get enough others to join us, we can provide The Humane League with much-needed funding to expose the truth to tens of millions of consumers. Imagine the change that we can make together.
Most people won’t ever know what’s being hidden from them—how they are being deceived by companies they trust—unless we tell them.
Together, we can shine a light on the cruel, dark world of factory farming. We can open more eyes to the widespread suffering. And we can take another step forward in ending the abuse of animals raised for food.
Will you join me?
In solidarity,
Nick Groenke
Mended Heart Society Member
P.S. Make your donation by June 30 and I will match it, up to $25,000. Together we can grow this movement and create the change these animals need.