I believe our movement will be one of the most impactful initiatives for Texas — here’s why maintaining our momentum will be key to our movement’s progress:


Hi there, it's Julie.

I wanted to check in to give a bit of personal insight into why I believe this work is so exciting and impactful for Texas — and why maintaining our momentum will be key in generating real wins for our movement.

The coming months are critical. We are initiating a statewide program to bring bold, long-lasting change to Texas. 

The wheels are in motion, and I am thrilled with our momentum so far. We’re embarking on a campaign to provide year-round voter outreach on progressive issues. We’re launching local-level campaigns in every part of the state to ensure that our progressive momentum continues to grow. And, most critically, we’re investing in people, training, and infrastructure — that is work that will pay off for years in Texas, not just a single election cycle. And we need your help, friend.

That’s why I wanted to ask if you would be willing to make a contribution to Ground Game Texas to help fuel our critical organizing efforts and provide the resources needed to keep pushing for meaningful change in Texas? Any contribution — of any amount! — is key to strengthening our momentum, so please chip in today:

Yes, I'll chip in!

If we want to ensure that our year-round voter outreach efforts remain as effective and widespread as possible, we’ll need our fundraising to keep pace with our growth. That’s just a plain fact.

Grassroots movements like ours are only as powerful as the wave of supporters behind them. But I’ve seen the power of the grassroots shine through time and time again, and that’s why Mike and I have put our faith in grassroots donors just like you. 

At the end of the day, the work we’re doing is for you, not an entrenched establishment that takes the money and runs when the presidential-year cameras stop rolling, not the right-wing billionaires who have captured Texas’ politicians. 

So let’s make sure our movement has the resources and tools to fuel our momentum and build our progressive coalition for change. If you’re ready to join our fight, please chip in $5, $10 or anything you’re able to support Ground Game Texas in our work. 


Julie Oliver
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Ground Game Texas