John, the movement has stepped up big time.
Since we launched our shocking new ad with Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom just 24 hours ago, it’s already reached tens of millions of people and been covered in People Magazine, Buzzfeed News, and The Hill. Plus, everyone from Cher to Kerry Washington to Usher are talking about it online.
Senator Manchin — whose vote is critical for this bill to pass — reversed course this week and said he may vote for the For the People Act. Our grassroots pressure is working, but his vote is far from certain. The vote is planned for next week, so time is running out. Will you share Katy and Orlando’s urgent message to raise awareness about the For the People Act ahead of next week's vote?
Don’t use social media? No problem — just forward this email.

Katy and Orlando's message took over Times Square in New York City on Thursday.
Sharing this video online makes a huge impact: Videos like this are the most powerful tool in our arsenal to reach new audiences and motivate them to take action. When Americans everywhere call and email their senators, blow up social media platforms, and grab the media’s attention, politicians will be much more likely to cave to our demands – to avoid risking their own political future.
If we can get millions of people fired up about the For the People Act, we can pass it. Every new person you reach with this message ups the pressure. It took thousands of calls to get Manchin to consider voting for the Act. Now we need thousands more to lock in his vote. If you use social media, share it on every channel you can. You can also forward this email or send friends and family to this link.
Get creative: Share this video with your coworkers, your school or faith communities, your grandparents... anyone in your life who’s tired of our broken political system and cares about the future of our democracy.
This is the biggest fight we’ve ever faced together. If anyone can bring this bill to victory, it’s the people like you who make up this powerful movement.
Joshua Graham Lynn Co-Founder RepresentUs