Dear John ,

A general election might be on its way, and the outcome will be really important for our NHS. With our government moving to negotiate a trade deal with the US that threatens our health service, we've got to act now to protect our NHS from trade deals.

The only way to take the NHS ‘off the table’ in a trade deal is with strong new legislation which ends privatisation. We Own It is campaigning with Keep Our NHS Public and many other organisations to make this happen.

Ask your MP to take the pledge now, so that you can vote for someone who will stand up for our NHS.

Ask your MP today
The only way to protect our NHS from a trade deal is to end privatisation. It's time MPs picked a side - our NHS, or Donald Trump.

If you're in Scotland or Wales, your NHS is not open to privatisation in the same way that the NHS in England is, but with a UK-wide trade deal, your healthcare is still at risk

If your MP is a Conservative, it's even more important that you contact them. This is about an existential threat to our universal, 'free at the point of use' health service. The Conservatives are saying that they are the 'party of the NHS' - let's ask them to prove it.

Take a couple of minutes to send an email to your MP using our easy tool.
Will your MP do what it takes to protect our NHS?
Our NHS will be a big election issue - so let's make sure that trade and privatisation are the talking points, rather than false promises about funding and technology. Write to your MP now to let them know that you'll only vote for candidates who commit to ending privatisation. 

THANK YOU as always for making this happen!


Cat, Biba, Chris, Ellen and the We Own It team

P.S We also want general election candidates to sign up! If you know your local candidates, please do reach out to them and ask them to get in touch with us to sign the pledge. Feel free to copy the template email for MPs. We don't currently have a database of candidates email addresses (and not all of them have been selected yet!) but we're working on it, and we'll get in touch with as many as we can. But do get in touch with your MP first!
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