This Issue: Biden Admin loosens rules on asylum, encouraging more illegal immigration
Jun. 18th
Despite Border Patrol agents making more than 500,000 apprehensions over the last three months marking a 20-year high, the Biden Administration made it easier this week for illegal border crossers to qualify for asylum.
Attorney General Merrick Garland reversed two Trump-era opinions that significantly reduced the number of individuals who had their asylum claims approved by an immigration judge in recent years. Garland reversed opinions that prevented victims of crime or those with family ties to qualify for asylum.
Federal law allows individuals who fear persecution from their government in their home country due to the individual's race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion to claim asylum. It does not permit individuals to receive asylum because of high crime rates in their home country.
The Obama Administration began to loosen the asylum rules in 2009. As a result, the percentage of asylum claims denied by an immigration judge dropped from 60% in 2005 to about 40% in 2012, according to Syracuse University which tracks immigration statistics.
After former Attorneys General Jeff Sessions and William Barr reversed the Obama-era opinions, asylum denial rates climbed back above 60%, reaching 70% in 2020.

Over the last decade, there's been a massive increase in the number of defensive asylum claims. Defensive asylum claims are made by illegal aliens after being put into removal proceedings.
In 2008, only 13,164 illegal aliens made a defensive claim for asylum. Last year, the number increased tenfold to 153,109. In fact, there were more than twice as many defensive asylum claims made during the second quarter of 2021 (31,892) than all of 2008.
Since 2014, less than 10% of illegal aliens who made a defensive asylum claim were granted asylum by an immigration judge. It's clear that illegal aliens and their immigration attorneys are abusing the system as part of an effort to stay and work in the United States since asylum seekers can apply for a work permit shortly after entering the asylum process.
AG Garland's decision this week will only encourage more migrants to cross the border illegally and, if caught, attempt to claim asylum. So once again, as the Biden Administration claims that the border is closed and continues to urge migrants not to cross the border illegally, its actions send a very different message.
Chris Chmielenski NumbersUSA Deputy Director |