John, if we want to stop dangerous partisan gerrymandering that will silence voters nationwide for a decade -- we must act immediately.
States will soon have all of the 2020 Census data they need to start drawing their new electoral maps. And if we don’t speak out, some power-hungry politicians will abuse their control of this redistricting process to draw rigged maps that protect incumbents by disempowering voters.
Sign the Petition: Demand fair and transparent redistricting processes in all 50 states -- that don’t put the needs of politicians before the voices of our communities >>
When elected officials gerrymander and resort to despicable tactics like “packing and cracking” to limit the influence of voters -- especially Black and Brown voters -- they’re essentially choosing their own voters to try to guarantee they won’t lose their power.
And worse yet: if these politicians are successful, the rigged maps they draw will be in place for an entire decade -- denying voters a meaningful voice in elections year after year after year.
John, that’s not how our democracy is supposed to work. Voters should always choose their elected officials, not the other way around.
And any efforts by partisan politicians to interfere with the mapmaking process -- by drawing rigged maps or using data that wasn’t intended for redistricting -- can’t be swept under the rug. We’re demanding that communities, not politicians, are put at the center of the process this year.
Add your name: Don’t let politicians draw partisan and racially divisive districts that deprive voters of the chance to elect someone who shares their lived experiences.
Whether your state’s districts are drawn by the legislature or by commission -- mapmakers need to hear that We the People will not be excluded from the redistricting process or silenced by gerrymandering.
And right now, as redistricting processes are ramping up across the country, is the time to act.
Thanks for all you do,
Devon Nir, Digital Campaigner
and the team at Common Cause
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