
My good friend Cory Booker suggested I reach out to you, but frankly, this isn’t the news I was hoping to share.

There are just 12 days to go until our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline and we are only halfway to our goal of 50,000 grassroots contributions.

Now, usually I wouldn’t be so worried about this. But a National Republican Super PAC recently dropped a six-figure ad buy in Arizona attacking me.

And because I don’t take a dime of corporate PAC money, I rely on small-dollar donations from grassroots supporters to get the job done. So we really can’t afford to fall short. It is critical that our fundraising stays on track because if it doesn’t, National Republicans will spot an opening and continue to attack our campaign.

So here’s the plan: Can you split a $10 donation with Cory and our people-powered campaign today? We’ll put your contribution right to work in our efforts to hold this seat and keep the Senate.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation with Cory Booker and Mark Kelly will go through immediately:

Thank you for your support ahead of this deadline. We simply can’t fund this people-powered campaign without you.

— Mark