
Now that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act, all eyes turn to Congress for action on health reform. It's time, once again, to ramp up our advocacy efforts to ensure health and health care are front and center in the next recovery package. 

Resources for Action

UPCOMING WEBINAR: Join Community Catalyst, Families USA, and Health Care for America Now on MONDAY, June 21st at 1:00pm ET to discuss the implications of the SCOTUS ACA ruling for the health advocacy movement.
Register Here
Join us next week and every Thursday from 12:00-12:30PM ET throughout the summer to #UniteForHealthCare on Twitter and dial up the pressure on Congress to center health in the upcoming package! Use our Thursday 30 Toolkit for customizable social posts. Additional advocacy resources can be found in our Health Care Drumbeat Digital Toolkit and COVID-19 Related Resources.

Check out our latest resources:

To your health,

Hannah Markus
Strategic Partnerships Coordinator

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