Congresswoman Clarke just introduced new legislation to address climate change and advocate for climate justice here and around the world. 

“Climate change is a global crisis, and it is our duty in Congress to take bold steps to safeguard our communities from the future implications of climate change. My legislation will require the Department of Homeland Security recognize and take action against the growing threat of climate change to our national security and general welfare.”

— Rep. Yvette Clarke

Will you stand with Yvette in her fight to address the effects of the global climate crisis here and abroad? Add your name to this petition to become a citizen co-signer of her newest legislation!


The Department of Homeland Security Climate Change Research Act is meant to protect the American public from the global climate crisis that will disproportionately affect Black and brown communities as well as mitigate global impacts. 

We must address the multi-faceted threat of the global climate crisis head-on and prepare to protect the people most at risk of bearing the brunt of its effects. Doing so requires that we also consider the geopolitical implications as millions of people may be displaced because of our changing climate, and we will need to prepare for handling those refugees. 

Climate change is not only an existential threat to our planet; it is also a major national security risk. If you agree we must tackle the climate crisis and all its implications, add your name to support Yvette’s latest bill!


— Team Clarke

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