June 18, 2021
To the Good People of New York’s 9th Congressional District,
I hope this edition of the Yvette Gazette finds you well. Always remember, I cannot do it alone. Through the support of passionate individuals such as yourself, we bring tangible, meaningful change to our district.
To reach out to my office, send us an email at clarke.house.gov/contact/email/. If you’d like to call, you can reach my D.C. office at 202-225-6231 or my Brooklyn office at 718-287-1142. Remember to encourage your neighbors to sign up for this newsletter at clarke.house.gov/contact/newsletter/.
If you’d like daily updates on my work in Congress, visit my website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. I wish you well, and I look forward to my next opportunity to get in touch with you.
Yvette D. Clarke
Member of Congress

Emergency Broadband Benefit
The FCC’s Emergency Broadband Benefit is a program designed to deliver disadvantaged families and households internet service during the COVID-19 pandemic. In our modern society, access to quality internet service is essential in staying connected to healthcare services, job listings, school, and a multitude of other services. Learn if you are eligible for this program and how to apply here.
Ranked Choice Voting
With the New York City primary election taking place on June 22nd, knowing the ins-and-outs of how our new ranked choice voting system works is crucial. For a voter resource guide, click here. For an interactive tool to check out how ranked choice voting works, click here. Finally, for a palm card with helpful information on ranked choice voting you can take with you on-the-go, click here. I’ll see you at the polls, Brooklyn!
Getting Vaccinated
To overcome the COVID-19 virus once and for all, it will take as many of us as possible to do our part and get vaccinated. If you haven’t received your COVID-19 vaccine but are interested in doing so, and New Yorkers ages 12 years and older can receive their vaccine at select sites across our city found here. If you’d like to make an appointment to get vaccinated, please click here to find a location that best suits you. For New Yorkers who are ages 75 and older, an in-home vaccination appointment can be made here, or by calling 1-877-VAX-4-NYC. We are so close to the finish line; let’s cross it together!

Sponsored Legislation: This week, I introduced the following bill to the House of Representatives;
- H.R. 3959; Combating the most severe and irreversible effects of climate change requires an aggressive and immediate response. I am proud to support the American Renewable Energy Act of 2021, with my colleague Congressman Peter Welch (D-VT), establishing an ambitious nationwide renewable energy standard which would drastically reduce carbon emissions, improve air quality, and spur the deployment of renewable energy infrastructure across the country. Most importantly, this bill would require retail electricity suppliers to generate 70% of their supply from renewable sources by 2030. This comprehensive legislation guarantees that the federal government is leading the fight against climate change while ensuring that vulnerable communities that are impacted most by climate change are not left behind. To see my full thoughts on this legislation, read my complete statement below in this newsletter.
Co-Sponsored Legislation: This week, I lent my support and commitment to the following bills:
- H.R. 3800;
The Greater Leadership Overseas for the Benefit of Equality Act formally establishes a State Department Envoy for the Human Rights of LGBTQI persons tasked with documenting human rights abuses and discrimination against LGBTQI people around the world. Central to this mission is ensuring that the State Department has the tools, personnel, and funding it needs to address discrimination, hatred, and violence towards the LGBTQI community, wherever it may occur. No one should be discriminated against based on whom they love, and the United States must strive to promote and protect this principle both at home and abroad.
- H.R. 3833;
The Equal Dignity for Married Taxpayers Act would amend the U.S. tax code by replacing gender-specific references to marriage such as “husband” and “wife” with more inclusive terms such as “married couple” and “spouse.” Marriage equality should be codified into our laws in all possible forms and the text of our statutes is no exception. I am proud to support this bill to ensure that our tax code both guarantees and exudes equal treatment under law.
Clarke issues statement on her new legislation, which establishes a Federal renewable electricity standard for retail electricity suppliers
I am so proud to once again co-lead this critically important legislative undertaking alongside Congressman Welch to set a nation-wide mandate for renewable energy deployment. It is beyond time the federal government step up and lead the fight to combat the intersectional and multifaceted issues of climate change. This legislation comprehensively addresses a myriad of climate crises by setting poignant and prolific renewable energy targets to support our transition to a zero-emission electricity sector. In addition to tackling the climate crisis, our legislation will also act as a catalyst to prompt much-needed investments in clean energy jobs and infrastructure, particularly in disadvantaged communities and areas transitioning away from outdated and harmful sources of energy. I urge all of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to seriously consider this legislation and to seriously consider their response to one of the most urgent crises of our time. This is not a partisan issue; this is a human issue. This is about doing all that we can to preserve our home for future generations.
Clarke issues statement on joining President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for the signing ceremony of the historic Juneteenth National Independence Day Act
I am so proud to join President Biden, Vice President Harris, and my colleagues for the singing this historic legislation into law. This year commemorates the 156th anniversary of Juneteenth, when Union troops arrived in Galveston, Texas, declaring the abolition of slavery two years after the Emancipation Proclamation and two months after the end of the Civil War. With their freedom, the original sin of the American experiment came to an end, and a chapter— of optimism and promise—opened. Juneteenth’s prolific significance continues to resonate across our global diaspora. Whether you are from the Caribbean or Africa, born in America or abroad, Juneteenth marks when many of our ancestors were liberated from bondage. However, the realization that although free, Black Americans continue to face racial discrimination, inequality, terror, and violence is cause for grave concern and a clarion call to action. Juneteenth is more than a celebration; it is a reminder of the plight of enslaved people. We must never forget our ancestor’s sacrifices, and we continue the work in their honor. ” On June 19th, 1865, the United States’ last remaining enslaved persons were informed of their liberation, more than two years following the Emancipation Proclamation. Over the course of the subsequent 156 years, June 19th became known as “Juneteenth” and has been celebrated and commemorated by untold individuals throughout the world. Today, President Biden signed national legislation recognizing June 19th as “Juneteenth National Independence Day,” creating the United States’ 12th federal holiday.
Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A, along with their several partner organizations, have graciously offered their expertise to Brooklynites on a number of critical subjects. To register for their virtual town hall on anti-displacement assistance on June 23rd click here. To register for the same event on June 30th, click here. To register for their virtual townhall on economic stimulus check updates and taxpayer rights on June 24th, click here.
Yesterday, I stood by President Biden's side as he signed the historic Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law and permanently designated Juneteenth as a federal holiday. Though yesterday was a monumental milestone, we must always remember our work is far from finished.
This past week, we celebrated DACA Day. In the nine years since President Obama first announced the executive action designed to protect these Americans, the need to take further measures to secure the safety of DACA recipients permanently.