Weekly Reads
“Forty-five years from now, program officers and community leaders will be one and the same. Folks with lived experience will be at the center of visioning, resourcing and creating solutions. We will rightly define ‘expert’ knowledge and who holds it. The sector as we know it will not exist, because we will democratize wealth and live in an economy anchored by collective care and deep democracy." [more]
Amoretta Morris, Borealis Philanthropy, in National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
"Based on a national survey of nonprofit leaders conducted in February 2021, Persevering through Crisis: The State of Nonprofits sheds light on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted nonprofits, how funders have stepped up, and how foundations have been more flexible, responsive, and communicative with grantees—but less so with grantee organizations led by women or serving certain communities of color.'" [more]
Responsive Philanthropy, Center for Effective Philanthropy
According to CEP’s new report, Persevering through Crisis: The State of Nonprofits: “Many nonprofits report that their foundation funders were flexible, responsive, and communicative in 2020. However, nonprofits led by women and nonprofits serving certain communities (including Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, and Native American communities) experienced somewhat less flexibility, responsiveness, and communication than other nonprofits.” [more]
Kate Gehling and Hannah Martin, Center for Effective Philanthropy