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Dear NCRC members and friends,

NCRC continues to recognize Juneteenth both as a day of remembrance and a call to action. The date marks the effective end of slavery on June 19th, 1865, when Union Army General Gordon Granger ordered free the remaining people enslaved in Texas. We are glad to see that President Biden just signed a new bill that will mark 2021 as the first year that our nation honors Juneteenth as a national holiday.

But we also believe strongly that restoring justice to African American communities will take continued investments and sustained action. 

A Just Economy cannot be achieved without achieving racial economic equity and that includes increased investments in Black homeownership, Black businesses and Black communities that continue to grapple with historic and ongoing systemic racism.

NCRC’s independent, nonprofit research, publishing, investigations, training, advocacy and programs continue to advance wealth-building in African American communities across the nation. Today we ask that you consider a donation to ensure that critical work continues.

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Thanks for your continued interest, support, participation and impact in your community.

With gratitude,

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