Dear Friends, Recently, over 150 faith and secular organizations released an open letter to President Biden and Vice President Harris entitled Ending the Practice of Solitary Confinement: Recommendations for Federal Reform. The letter urges them to take administrative action to end solitary confinement in all federal settings – Bureau of Prisons, U.S. Marshals Service, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). NRCAT has also joined with the Unlock the Box Campaign, Vera Institute of Justice, ACLU, Center for Constitutional Rights and #HALTsolitary Campaign to form a Federal Anti-Solitary Task Force (FAST). We have just released a new Blueprint to End Solitary Confinement for the Federal Government that can guide both Congress and the Biden Administration on the steps needed to end solitary in all federal prisons and detention centers. On June 7, NBC ran an exclusive article on the Blueprint, which gave us good press coverage and visibility. Now, your members of Congress need to hear from you. TELL CONGRESS: END FEDERAL SOLITARY CONFINEMENT Write to Congress now and let them know that you want to see the U.S. government end solitary confinement in all federal settings – following the lead of states like NY, NJ and CO which have already taken significant steps to end this torturous practice. Sincerely, Johnny Perez, Director U.S. Prisons Program P.S. -- We've prepared a social media guide that you can use to amplify your message that the Biden Administration and Congress must take immediate action to end solitary confinement in all federal detention facilities. |