
In just nine days, October 19th, DSA-LA will host its largest meeting to date at Immanuel Presbyterian Church in Koreatown.

Join us in deciding the future of our chapter at our 2019 Annual Local Convention. RSVP now.

What will our top priorities be in 2020?

What changes to our internal bylaws will we make together?

RSVP now and be a part of making those decisions.

Attendance at the Local Convention is reserved to dues-paying members in good standing. If you’ve been curious about joining DSA, or need to renew your dues, click this link.

If you’d like to attend convention with your little one(s), but could benefit from our on site Child Watch program email [email protected].

If you’ve been wanting to join DSA, but aren't able to pay dues right now, you can inquire about dues sponsorship at this link.

Join us at Convention! We want to see you!


Our Annual Convention will be conducted using Robert’s Rules of Order, a style of parliamentary procedure that’s both fun to learn and fun to use, actually! 🤓

We’ll be hosting Robert’s Rules trainings in all three of our branches this Sunday: at Central, the Valley, and the Westside. If you’re new to the system, you’d probably find a training helpful!

Please note that Robert’s Rules trainings are reserved for members in good standing who have RSVP’d for the convention.

Solidarity forever! 🌹



Volunteer labor / Donate funds 

RSVP for DSA-LA’s 2019 Annual Local Convention, October 19th

Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles · 3573 W 3rd St, 210, Los Angeles, CA 90004, United States
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You can also keep up with DSA-LA on Twitter or Facebook.

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