We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to pass an infrastructure package that doesn’t just repair our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, but creates good union jobs, addresses climate change, and advances equity.
That’s why, yesterday, I stood with Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Seth Moulton to call on Congress to include high-speed rail funding in our upcoming infrastructure package.

A nationwide high-speed rail network would create millions of new, good-paying jobs, dramatically reduce our carbon footprint, and advance equity by prioritizing transportation and housing needs for previously overlooked and underserved communities.
Moreover, it’s a question of American innovation and entrepreneurialism. We are decades behind other countries when it comes to transportation infrastructure. We can no longer expect to remain competitive if we’re ceding ground to countries like China.
Right now, as Congress considers a massive infrastructure package, it’s not enough to simply repair our crumbling roads and bridges or bolster existing train lines. We have to think bolder and bigger, and invest in our future, and in our children’s future.
Please, add your name to call on Congress to invest in a high-speed rail system as part of our infrastructure package.
Imagine: New York City to Albany in 36 minutes. High-speed rail is the future.
Thank you for adding your voice!