Your long standing, steadfast support of women’s equality is critical to all we’ve accomplished John, and it’s even more critical to our work ahead. We are in the last critical battle to add the ERA to the U.S. Constitution, and I need your support. The required 38 states have now ratified the ERA, and the U.S. House has voted to remove the time limit from the preamble of the ERA. We must now win Senate approval of the House Resolution to remove the time limit. We have a majority of U.S. Senators’ support for removing the time limit — but a Mitch McConnell-led filibuster in the Senate could derail the ERA. We just can’t let this happen. We must end the filibuster.
Your donation will be used to help fund our major campaign to end the filibuster. Our supporters have already sent over 64,100 letters and email messages to key Senators urging they end the filibuster and vote to remove the time limit blocking the ERA from being added to the Constitution. Our supporters in Arizona are hand delivering more than 8,100 letters to Sen. Kyrsten Sinema — one of the pro-ERA Senators who has been opposed to ending the filibuster. We are pulling out all the stops with our efforts, and we simply cannot afford to let up momentum. We are teaming up with allied organizations across the country with a single goal in mind. We must end the filibuster, not only for the ERA, but for preserving our democracy, expanding not restricting voting rights, ending wanton gun violence, and fighting for and winning economic and racial justice, passing justice in policing and comprehensive immigration legislation, and dealing with, not denying, climate change. Polling shows that 8 in 10 U.S. adults support adding the ERA to the Constitution. We know we have the votes for the ERA in the Senate, and we must not let the threat of a filibuster destroy almost 100 years of feminist work. Will you help with a generous contribution to help fund our campaign right now?
Thank you for being a staunch supporter of equal rights. For equality,
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