Hi Friend,

Now that school’s out and another year of virtual or hybrid learning is done, it’s time to have some serious conversations about our education system.

From continued school closures to Critical Race Theory being taught instead of reading and math, our government-run, union-controlled public schools have been failing our children.

It’s time to rethink education: to put KIDS FIRST. It starts with giving parents leverage and fighting for funding to follow students, not bureaucracies. 

Join us in speaking up for students by signing this petition.

Liberal bureaucrats, school boards, and teachers unions are giving directives to public school teachers to incorporate radical concepts, like Critical Race Theory and “white privilege,” into their lesson plans.

They’re taking time away from teaching fundamental lessons on reading, writing, and math to introduce radical ideologies to impressionable young minds—encouraging young children to see each other through the prisms of race, oppression, and victimhood. 

Rather than teaching them how to think independently, openly, and critically, these taxpayer-funded bureaucrats are teaching students to view themselves and the world around them through a very narrow lens. 

They’re indoctrinating students. And when parents speak up, they’re launching petty, partisan, political-style attacks against them, including labeling them as racist or crazy. 

Students should be free to think independently, and parents should be free to choose how, where, and what their children learn. Our taxpayer dollars should not be funding training camps for radical and divisive political ideologies.

Stop the indoctrination of America’s students before it’s too late. It’s time to put kids FIRST.

Sign the petition today.

Thank you,

Julie Gunlock