Dear Patriot, We asked you to sign the petition. We asked you to call your Senators. And once again, you delivered, so THANK YOU. We sent your petitions in via fax, flooding the Senate with a loud message that can’t be ignored: Don’t confirm David Chipman as Director of the ATF! Patriot, I don’t think they were expecting it, but so far, we are holding the line. Your help is making a huge difference in the battle to stop the anti-gun zealot Chipman from advancing out of committee. The vote on Chipman’s confirmation was pulled from the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today, which is great news -- for now. But now it’s time to double down and turn up the heat. We are hearing Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has a few tricks left up his sleeve to bring the nomination back as early as next week. You and I can send Chipman packing and doom this abominable nomination, but Campaign for Liberty needs your help. First, if you haven’t yet signed your petition to your U.S. Senators demanding they oppose the Chipman nomination at every turn, please do so now. Second, forward this to all of your pro-liberty and pro-Second Amendment friends so they too can sign and make our voices even louder. And finally, you can chip in $9 or more immediately, so we can crank up the heat on the Senate even more and stop the Chipman nomination dead in its tracks. Dr. Paul’s message below is as true today as when he sent it earlier this week. Please read it and take action now. For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty ________Forwarded Message________
The Biden agenda is shaping up to be the most flagrantly anti-Second Amendment one that we’ve ever seen. But Biden is too afraid to deliver the message that his administration wants to turn law-abiding gun owners into potential felons. He’ll be thrilled to hand that job over to gun grabbing zealot David Chipman. The vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee to advance Chipman's nomination as Director of the ATF to the Senate floor is this Thursday, and we are dangerously close to the nightmare of "Director Chipman" becoming a reality. One statement by Chipman on an Internet post, which was reported by CNN, should have disqualified him from ever holding any position of power. He insisted that based on studies he did while previously at the ATF, people who fail background checks should be arrested for pre-crime offenses, something that would completely flip our justice system on its head. Chipman has never apologized or backtracked for supporting this pre-crime policy that would make the Chinese Communists very happy. When Chipman worked for a Michael Bloomberg-funded gun control group, he said the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America, should be treated like a “machine gun” and banned completely. Chipman’s hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee a few weeks ago didn’t go any better, when he confirmed his intentions to ban all so-called “assault weapons.” When asked to define what an assault weapon is, he at first refused but then gave a definition that would include every modern sporting rifle on the market today. When asked by Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) about Senator Feinstein’s (D-CA) bill to ban more than 2,000 different types of firearms, Chipman said it didn’t go far enough because it didn’t target law-abiding gun owners who have previously purchased those weapons. Not only is David Chipman in favor of arresting people for pre-crime, but he also wants to retroactively go after gun owners who have weapons he doesn’t like! Chipman isn’t trying to hide the fact he wants innocent and law-abiding Americans to give up their right to protect their families and their property, and put their names into another government database, while the criminals surely won’t comply with any of it. Could Biden have made a more disturbing pick for the person to head up the ATF? Time is short with the Judiciary Committee vote on Thursday. Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators demanding they vote AGAINST David Chipman’s confirmation. If you have already signed, I ask you to forward the petition link to a friend. ![]() David Chipman also said during his hearing that any law-abiding gun owner is a potential criminal. Did he forget the definition of “law-abiding?” Biden’s radical gun control bills have been stalling at various stages of the process, but he thinks Chipman heading the ATF is an end-around on Congress. Is there any doubt, based on Chipman’s own statements, that he would use the ATF to target specific guns for confiscation based on some kind of perceived “emergency?” His potential boss, Joe Biden, is using executive orders to target the owners of certain firearm accessories, making them instant criminals simply for possessing them. Biden and Chipman have no respect for individual rights or even the law-making process. They only seek to expand their power by destroying your ability to defend yourself. Chipman’s nomination must be stopped now. Sign the petition! ![]() Despite some legislative setbacks, Biden’s radical gun control agenda is alive and well, and he’s made it clear it is a top priority. Your rushed donation of $25, $50, $75, or more will go a long way to helping Campaign for Liberty defeat it! If his current statements about gun bans and pre-crime and his vitriol aimed at law-abiding gun owners isn’t enough, a look at Chipman’s history with the ATF is even worse! While he was an agent for the ATF, Chipman was stationed in Waco, TX and participated in the aftermath of the assault on the Branch Davidian compound. After a 51-day standoff with the members of the compound in February of 1993, the compound was raided by a combination of federal agents from the FBI, ATF, and local law enforcement. The Branch Davidians were suspected of possessing “illegal weapons.” Chipman later claimed that the Branch Davidians had shot down helicopters with those weapons, a claim which was completely refuted by a U.S. House of Representatives’ report. The end result after the standoff, teargassing, and gun fights instigated by the ATF was 4 dead federal agents and 78 members of the Branch Davidians, including 25 children who were killed in the fires that engulfed the compound. Patriot, I’m worried history is about to repeat itself in the worst possible way, if David Chipman is confirmed to head the ATF. With the vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee coming this Thursday, we don’t have much time to act! Sign the petition to your U.S. Senators demanding they vote NO on the confirmation of Biden’s extremist pick for the head of the ATF, David Chipman. We need your help to hold the line and protect the Second Amendment from Biden and Chipman, please rush a donation of $25, $50, $75, or more at once. After leaving the ATF, Chipman has gone on to positions with vicious gun-grabbing activist groups, showing his true colors. He worked as a lobbyist for Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety and later as senior policy advisor at Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Patriot, I have no doubt that if Chipman takes this post at the ATF, he will move to undermine Congress and use the bureaucratic process combined with the abuse of law enforcement resources to target gun owners, specific guns like the AR-15, and we could even see Waco 2.0. Time is running out to stop this confirmation, so I’m urging you to take action immediately. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Staying true to their mantra of “never let a good crisis go to waste,” the Big Government elites are showing themselves to be determined to run roughshod over the Second Amendment while they enact their socialist agenda. Sign the petition! Then, please help us hold the line and protect the Second Amendment from Biden and Chipman by donating $25, $50, $75, or more at once. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. ________________________________________________ The
mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money,
free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization.