Dear John,
Today, in a 7–2 decision, the Supreme Court ruled for the third time to preserve the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The Court found that Texas, who asked the Court to throw out the entire ACA, did not show sufficient harm to challenge the provisions of the law. That means the ACA—and the health coverage it provides for millions—is safe, and we can breathe a sigh of relief, for now.
Since even before the ACA became law, the National Women’s Law Center has been on the forefront of protecting women’s health care—fighting to make sure health care providers cannot discriminate based on sex, pushing Medicaid expansion so it serves more low-income women who need it, making sure life events like pregnancy are not considered pre-existing conditions, and ensuring preventive services like maternity and newborn care, mammograms and birth control are covered without out-of-pocket costs. We even filed an amicus brief in this case because the court needed to know what would be at stake for women and families without the ACA.
And we’re so grateful that you’ve been with us in this fight. But we have to continue fighting until everyone has access to the health care and coverage they need and deserve. We need to demand a health care system that builds just, equitable, and safe communities. With your help, we can get there.
Protect Our Care
Help us continue fighting for a health care system that serves us all.
While the ACA continues to play a critical role in expanding access to health care to millions of people, there are still so many of our people who have been left behind and struggle to access health care. We need a system that guarantees health care for EVERYONE—no matter whether you have a job, or where you live, how much money you have, or who you are. We deserve a health care system that is free from discrimination, that eliminates cost as a barrier to care, that includes meaningful access to birth control and abortion care, that meets the needs of different cultures, and invests in communities that are systematically ignored.
NWLC will fight for health care for all by supporting policies that meaningfully invest in the needs of our communities and in the courts to make sure our health care system is based in dignity and respect, not barriers and discrimination. Make a donation today to fuel this and other critical fights for our rights.
The COVID-19 pandemic showed us how fragile our health care system is, and the effects of the pandemic will have a lasting impact on our lives and our communities for years to come. We can no longer continue with the status quo. This is our moment to build a health care system that works for everyone.
While we are thrilled that the ACA is safe for now, we know that the work for gender justice, including LGBTQ rights, continues in the courts and beyond. We are also reacting to a Supreme Court decision in the Fulton case where we filed an amicus brief: that was a loss, but fortunately a narrow loss tied to the specific contract in place. We are glad that the Court rejected the call for a broad license to discriminate. Our fight for civil rights protections for LGBTQ families must continue on many fronts. No matter what, we won’t stop submitting amicus briefs, filing new lawsuits, and pushing policymakers and decisionmakers to put an end to discrimination.
Thank you for being with us through all of these ups and down—we hope you’ll continue to support us as we fight for gender justice for all.
In solidarity,
Fatima Goss Graves
President & CEO
National Women’s Law Center