What is happening in state legislatures across the country in terms of passing voting restrictions is threatening our democracy. What extremists are doing in state legislatures is hurting us all. There has been a clarion call coming out of West Virginia, Kentucky and all across the nation. This democracy is not only worth fighting for, but that the people are rising up to defend it. Join us on June 23rd as we stand against voter suppression, the filibuster, and political retrogression.

On Monday, June 14th West Virginians and Kentuckians stood together in Charleston, WV and the very next day Manchin began to backup his position on the For the People Act. This is the strength of poor and low wealth people of all races must standing up together. This is fight is far from over and this is why we're asking you Join the West Virginia and Kentucky Poor People's Campaigns in Washington DC on Wednesday, June 23rd at 1pm for a Moral March on Manchin and McConnell. West Virginians and Kentuckians have issued the call, and will be joined by other states, representing people of all colors, creeds, religions, and backgrounds for a March on Manchin and McConnell to demonstrate our power to stop voter suppression and the filibuster, and continue to demand the protection and expansion of voting rights, the raising of wages to at least $15/hour, the extension of unemployment benefits, the expansion of health care, indigenous rights, and infrastructure development that lifts from the bottom.
The manipulations and tactics of those like Manchin, McConnell and the ruling wealthy elite demand a mass movement of poor and low-wealth people and their allies for a ThirdReconstruction. John, will we see you on June 23rd?
Forward together,
The DC Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival