It has been a year since we lost civil rights legend and U.S. Representative John Lewis.

During my time in Congress, John Lewis was always someone I looked to as a guiding light. His moral compass? Always true. His work ethic? Unrivaled. Serving with him in Congress was an honor.

In the year since John's passing, Republicans have been hard at work eroding our basic democratic rights. More often than not, these attacks have come against people in traditionally-marginalized communities.

It has played out in Georgia, in Florida, in Texas, and in so many other states: Republicans are making it harder for people to vote because, if more Americans vote, they lose.

That is not how democracy is supposed to work. In a democracy, there will be people who disagree with us. And in a democracy, sometimes the other side wins elections.

But lately, it seems that there are politicians who do not believe that they should ever lose an argument or an election. That, somehow, if they lose then the election was rigged, or stolen, or invalid.

I have been disheartened by these relentless attacks on our democracy. But I have also been inspired to see the determination in the faces of everyday Americans who are not going to sit idly by while Republicans come after our basic rights.

This is the heart of HR 1 and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act: efforts to stabilize and restore rights that have been eroded and stripped from everyday Americans.

I am fighting to see that these bills pass and are signed into law, and I am calling on my friends in the U.S. Senate to move these priorities along without delay.

I know you are there with me in that fight. And, for that, I am grateful.

To John Lewis, his memory, and all that he fought for.


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