We are a country of laws. And without respect for the law at the highest level, we cannot call ourselves a democracy.

That’s why the evidence this week that following the 2020 election Donald Trump tried to use our own government to overturn the legitimate results of the election is something we can’t afford to ‘normalize’ in any way. 

Newly released emails and documents show that Trump tried to pressure the acting Attorney General to use the full power of the Justice Department to support his frivolous and failed lawsuits claiming voter fraud and to file a case with the new ultra-conservative Supreme Court to overturn the election results.

This is proof of what we already knew: the Trump Republican Party will stop at nothing to undermine the rule of law and degrade our democracy.

Now, that same party is laying the groundwork to put Donald Trump back in the White House. The first step of that plan is to take control of the Senate in the 2022 midterm elections — and it just takes ONE seat.

We can’t afford to let that happen. We need to be ready to counter Mitch McConnell’s deep pocketed donor network and push back against whatever they throw in our way.

Can you chip in $7 or whatever you can to help us fight back and protect our fragile Democratic majority? It will take all of us working together to get this done.

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We are living in challenging times. But if we all pull together we are up to the challenge — and our democracy will be stronger for it.  

Thank you for staying engaged in this fight,
