The word on the street is that a Republican opponent will announce their campaign in July. Jena welcomes the challenge. She knows she’s been a dedicated, honest, and hardworking Secretary of State. And, of course, the true key to a successful campaign is the dedicated supporters → YOU!

The word on the street is that a Republican opponent will announce their campaign against Jena in July.

Jena welcomes the challenge. She knows she’s been a dedicated, honest, and hardworking Secretary of State. And, of course, the true key to a successful campaign is the dedicated supporters → YOU!

We want to get a jump on this potential challenger by getting 100 donations by the end of the day today. Can you chip in now to help us get a head start?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

$5 $25 $50
$100 $250 Other

With an opponent announcement on the horizon likely next month, it’s clear that this campaign is about to scale up at an incredible pace. Help us kick this campaign into the next gear by giving any amount today!

We couldn’t do this without you. Thank you for your support.

-- Jena for Colorado



My name is Jena Griswold. In 2018, I was elected as the first democratic Secretary of State in Colorado since 1958, the first democratic woman Secretary of State in Colorado’s history, and only the 10th woman in Colorado’s history to hold the statewide constitutional office of governor, attorney general, secretary of state, or treasurer!

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Paid for by Jena Griswold for Colorado

Jena for Colorado
P.O. Box 270218
Louisville, CO 80027
United States