Nottingham Practice Development Unit: invitation to evaluate Nottingham Community and Voluntary Service is inviting proposals from suitably qualified organisations or individuals to undertake an independent evaluation of the?Practice Development Unit (PDU). The PDU is a project run by NCVS in partnership with?Opportunity Nottingham. Opportunity Nottingham is part of the National Fulfilling Lives Programme and is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund until summer 2022. The programme aims to improve the lives of people with multiple disadvantage (defined as a combination of some of the following: homelessness, mental ill-health, substance misuse, domestic abuse and offending) through directly delivering services and achieving system change. The PDU was started in autumn 2017, with the goal to support Opportunity Nottingham?s system change aims, facilitating the sharing of good practice and promoting more collaborative work among services from the voluntary and statutory sectors who provide support to people facing multiple disadvantage. The project has delivered a wide range of learning events and Communities of Practice, and hosts a free?online resource hub?comprising good practice tools and information. As the PDU is entering the final year of its funding from Opportunity Nottingham and the National Lottery Fulfilling Lives Programme, NCVS is?now seeking to engage an independent evaluator to help it understand how successful the project has been in what it was set out to achieve and collate evidence of its impacts on the local workforce in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Follow this link?for full details on the evaluation brief and application process. The application deadline is 12 noon on Friday 16?July 2021.