
Do you have thoughts? Concerns? Now's the time to speak up and be heard.

Dave Muhlbauer is a Democrat running for a battleground U.S. Senate seat in Iowa to advocate for working people, small businesses, and those who've been left in the dust by Republicans like Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell.

People are fed up, and for good reason -- the cost of living continues to skyrocket while wages remain stagnant, and big money corporations and special interests continue their corrupting influence on politicians.

That's why we created a survey to learn more about the issues people care about most. Do you have a minute to fill it out?

Here's a link to the survey, or you can tap the pretty button below. Your feedback matters -- we want to know what's important to you, the issues that affect your daily lives, and what you think candidates should be most focused on in order to bring about real change in Iowa and the country at-large.

And after you take the survey, please help Dave flip this competitive, Republican-held Senate seat in 2022 by chipping in $5 or whatever you can spare.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Team Muhlbauer