
Tonight a new leadership team for our New Jersey Democratic State Committee will be elected when our members come together to vote for an incredibly distinguished and exciting slate of candidates. But before this new team takes office, I wanted to take a moment to recognize the extraordinary leadership of our outgoing Chairman and my dear friend, John Currie. 

Please watch this tribute to Chairman Currie celebrating his tenure as leader of our party.

It’s not hyperbole to say that Chairman Currie has been one of the most effective leaders our party has ever seen. With his steady guidance and commitment to growing our party, we have seen the Democratic Party in New Jersey reach new heights during his time in office. Democrats now represent 10 out of 12 of New Jersey’s congressional districts, both U.S. Senate seats, and both houses of the State Legislature. We have seen Democratic candidates triumph in formerly deep red Republican areas like Somerset, Burlington, Monmouth and Morris Counties. And we’ve expanded our advantage in base counties like Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Passaic, Middlesex, Union, Camden, Gloucester and more. We also now have over one million more registered Democrats than Republicans in our state for the first time. 

None of these accomplishments have happened by accident, and Chairman Currie’s leadership has played a major role in overseeing this new reality. His strong, progressive values, his commitment to helping people, and his strength as an organizer and a leader have set an example for all other Democrats in our state to follow. 

It has been a true honor and a pleasure to work closely with John Currie, and I know that he will continue to lead as Passaic County Democratic Chair and across the many other roles in which he excels. Thank you, Chairman Currie, for everything you have done for our New Jersey Democratic State Committee. 


-- Governor Phil Murphy



Paid for by the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.

New Jersey Democratic State Committee
194-196 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
United States

