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Thursday, June 17th, 2021

Do Covid-19 Vaccines Magnetize Your Body?

Bill Sardi

Thinking Out Loud

Karen Kwiatkowski

The Only Privacy the Feds Protect is Their Own

Andrew P. Napolitano

The Covid BioWeapon: Made in the USA, Aimed at China

Mike Whitney and Ron Unz

To Protect People from the Effects of Folly is To Fill the World With Fools

Allan Stevo

Dr Simone Gold Bombshell: Pence’s Next-Level Betrayal

Alexandra Bruce

God Save the Kween

Meghan Markle and the new age of deference. Brendan O’Neill

Planet on a Pivot

Alexander Mercouris + Tom Luongo – Part 1

Leftists’ Perverse View of Capitalism

Jacob G. Hornberger

Part Two, The Virus Speaks; The Nature of Reality

Jon Rappoport

Atlanta May Be Headed for a Final Divorce as Communities Nationwide Seek To Redraw the Lines

Stacey Lennox

Covid, Ivermectin, and the Crime of the Century

Dr Joseph Mercola

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