From Republican Jewish Coalition <[email protected]>
Subject RJC E-Newsletter for October 10, 2019
Date October 10, 2019 10:54 PM
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— Featured —

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY)

Rep. Zeldin Briefs RJC Members on Impeachment Inquiry

RJC leaders and members had the opportunity today to participate in a conference call with Rep. Lee Zeldin (NY-1), one of two Jewish Republicans in House of Representatives and the ranking member on the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Rep. Zeldin criticized not only the Democrats but also the media for perpetuating false information and not asking the important questions. He noted: "The most important thing going forward is to question the information being provided to you through that filter of the media... We need to make sure that the facts are getting out there… Many of the people pushing for this have been pushing for the President’s impeachment since he was elected, since he was sworn in. They don’t care what the charge is, they don’t care what the facts are, and they don’t care what the evidence is."

We are excited to be able to bring this special event to our members. If you missed it, watch your email for future opportunities so you can hear directly from great GOP leaders on the top issues of the day.

The door of the Halle, Germany synagogue shows bullet marks after the attack on Yom Kippur.

Jews in Halle Synagogue Were Prepared to Fight

The Daily Mail (UK) reports <[link removed]> on how congregants in the synagogue in Halle, Germany, responded when a man attacked the building on Yom Kippur:

Hero Jewish worshipers barricaded themselves in a synagogue prayer room with chairs and 'were ready to fight' as a neo-Nazi attacker tried to break in during a killing rampage that left two dead. Around 50 terrified men, women and children - including 10 Americans - were trapped inside the synagogue in Halle during the attack yesterday, which they watched unfold on security cameras that broadcast to TV screens inside the prayer house.

… The anti-Semitic gunman failed to massacre worshipers inside the synagogue on Yom Kippur, as he could not get through the solid wooden doors of the building.

Instead he shot through the doors, threw explosives and then lay bombs outside the building.

… Roman R. said he was in the middle of Yom Kippur prayers when he heard a bang and went into the corridor to see smoke coming into the building.

The 31-year-old told Bild: 'We barricaded the door to the prayer room with chairs. We were ready to fight.'

… The majority of those inside - including the elderly and children - went to find shelter while Roman and five other men barricaded the door to the prayer room, called police, and then prepared themselves to fight back. He described watching as [the attacker] shot at the wooden doors, believing they would give way any moment and that he would come inside and attack them.

Fortunately the doors held, explosives that [the attacker] placed at the doors did not go off, and flammable liquid he sprayed at the building failed to light.

We are all grateful that the synagogue’s security measures saved the worshippers’ lives. The attacker did kill a woman passerby and a man in a nearby Turkish take-out shop. We hope German authorities will bring this mass murderer to justice quickly.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Top Dems Join Israel Haters at J Street Conference

The Times of Israelreports <[link removed]>:

The two most powerful Democratic lawmakers in America, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, will headline the annual conference of J Street, the liberal Israel lobby.

The conference, which drew 3,000 people last year, is among the most prominent liberal Jewish gatherings of the year. It will take place in late October, and Pelosi and Schumer will speak on the night of October 28. 

… Schumer’s presence at the conference is especially notable because he has established a reputation as a traditional pro-Israel voice in the Senate. He is a perennial speaker at the annual conference of the pro-Israel lobby AIPAC, which is to the right of J Street.

Among the other speakers at the J Street event will be Bashar Azzeh, a member of PLO Palestine National Council & Central Council, Osama Qawasma, advisor to Palestinian “president” Mahmoud Abbas, and Emily Meyer, a founding member of the anti-Israel If Not Now group.

This is another indication that the historic bipartisan support for Israel on Capitol Hill is crumbling on one side under the pressure from the radical left wing of the Democratic Party.

China Oppresses Religious Minority Groups

China is torturing and imprisoning its Muslim minority population. Reason noted back in August <[link removed]>:

In western China, there's a growing network of what journalists, former inmates, and the US government are calling "concentration camps"—or what the Chinese government refers to as "vocational training centers." They're believed to hold between 1 and 3 million people, and perhaps as much as one-quarter of the Muslim population of Xinjiang province.

Outside the camps, Xinjiang is described by its Uighur residents as a police state, in which the Chinese government subjects the population to round-the-clock surveillance. Expressions of traditional culture have been criminalized, with the intention of imposing Chinese cultural unity on a multicultural region.

The Washington Examinerreports here <[link removed]> on statements from survivors of the Chinese camps. 

The Trump administration, which has already earned respect for its efforts to fight anti-Semitism, has taken a strong position in support of religious freedom in China as well. The US has added 28 Chinese entities to an export blacklist Monday, citing their role in Beijing’s repression of Muslim minorities in northwest China, according to the Wall Street Journal <[link removed]>. 

Targets of the action include video-surveillance and facial-recognition giants Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology, Megvii Technology Inc. and SenseTime Group Ltd. The decision by the Commerce Department to add the firms to its “entity list” alongside telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies Co.—which was added in May—means suppliers will be barred from providing technology that originates in the US to the Chinese firms without a license.

The newly identified entities “have been implicated in human rights violations and abuses in the implementation of China’s campaign of repression, mass arbitrary detention, and high-technology surveillance against Uighurs, Kazakhs, and other members of Muslim minority groups” in northwest China’s Xinjiang region, the Commerce Department said.

In addition, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Wednesday that the US will implement visa restrictions on Chinese officials <[link removed]> believed to participate in the repression of the Uighur, Kazakh and other Muslim minorities. 

Important RJC Links

• Have you gotten your RJC Trump kippah yet? Our extremely popular red Trump kippah is now for sale for just $18. This includes shipping and handling, but we only have a limited supply, so ACT NOW. BUY YOUR KIPPAH HERE. <[link removed]>

• The Republican Jewish Coalition is hiring field staff for our advocacy efforts in support of President Donald J. Trump’s reelection in various battleground states.CLICK HERE <[link removed]> for details and application information. 

RJC Florida Field Representatives sign up volunteers in The Villages, a sprawling retirement community outside of Orlando, in advance of President Trump's visit there to sign an executive order on health care for seniors.

• The RJC PAC has endorsed a terrific slate of House and Senate incumbents and we need them to continue their work on Capitol Hill! Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) is under attack <[link removed]> from progressive activists because of her vote to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. They’re spending big money to unseat her, and we need to help Sen. Collins fight back. Please click through to the RJC PAC portal to help her and our other endorsed candidates. CLICK HERE to donate through the RJC PAC portal and show your support <[link removed]>.

— Short Takes —

Secret transcripts from the Yom Kippur War <[link removed]>Forty-six years after the 1973 Yom Kippur War, dramatic transcripts from the first days of the war, including plans for a massive attack on major cities in Arab countries, have been declassified <[link removed]>.

The US airlifted 22,325 tons <[link removed]> of materiel to Israel during and just after the war. Those supplies helped Israel win the war.  RJC founding chairman Max M. Fisher a”h played a key role in convincing President Richard Nixon to undertake that airlift. Read about it here <[link removed]>.

Time to Rethink US Counterintelligence <[link removed]>
Michelle Van Cleave, head of US counterintelligence under President George W. Bush, says it’s time to rethink US counterintelligence. She writes: “It’s time US counterintelligence went on the offense. Hostile intelligence operations are not uncontrollable forces of nature. Some can be deterred, and all have vulnerabilities that can be exploited given sufficient time, resources and creativity… American counterintelligence has never had a standing strategic mission of finding and disabling hostile intelligence services before they target the United States.”

— Tweets —

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— Events —

Overland Park, KS - October 17, 2019

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Gladwyne, PA - October 20, 2019

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Beachwood, OH - October 29, 2019

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Houston, TX - November 6, 2019

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Washington, DC - November 20, 2019

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Plantation, FL - November 21, 2019

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Las Vegas, NV - March 13-15, 2020

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