From Connecticut Democrats <[email protected]>
Subject Nancy’s update re: CT’s 2021 legislative session
Date June 16, 2021 11:13 PM
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John, Governor Lamont and our Democratic majorities in the CT House and Senate took decisive action during this year’s legislative session to lower health care costs and expand coverage, reduce child poverty, reform our criminal justice system, combat domestic violence, and much more — all without raising taxes.

The Connecticut Comeback is underway and every Democrat should be proud of this year’s progress — but it’s not over yet!

See CT Dems Chair Nancy DiNardo’s full update on the 2021 legislative session and the ongoing special session below, then chip in $20 before June ends to help us protect our Democratic majorities in the upcoming midterm elections! [[link removed]]

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Original Message from CT Democratic Party Chair Nancy DiNardo:

John, the Connecticut General Assembly’s 2021 legislative session has officially come to a close — but it’s actually not over just yet!

A special legislative session will be held within the coming days where CT House Speaker Matt Ritter says that the House will pass a bill legalizing recreational marijuana.

This is historic, and all of us here at the Connecticut Democratic Party are proud of what our state’s Democratic lawmakers have accomplished this year under Governor Lamont’s leadership and with our House and Senate majorities.

In a moment, I’d like to discuss some of these incredible legislative accomplishments, but first I have to ask: will you chip in $20 to help Connecticut Democrats protect our majorities in the upcoming midterm elections? [[link removed]]

Here’s just a sample of what Democrats achieved this year — we’ll discuss more of these items in the days and weeks ahead.

First, the General Assembly passed an unprecedented new budget which, for the first time ever, includes a $2.3 billion surplus built in. This budget includes no tax increases — it actually cuts taxes for the middle class and working poor — and it fully funds cities and towns, expands health care coverage and funding for child care, day care, and schools.

After a year of historic demonstrations, rallies, marches, and protests against systemic racism, Connecticut lawmakers declared racism a public health crisis and voted to create a commission on racial equity in public health and to improve data collection on race in health care.

Through passing a new “baby bonds” law, Connecticut will give $3,200 bonds to every child born into poverty in our state which will break generational poverty and advance racial equity and long-term economic growth.

Under the Affordable Care Act, young people can stay on their parent’s health insurance until the age of 26 — now, dependents in Connecticut will also be able to receive dental and vision coverage through the same age.

The state legislature also took decisive action on criminal justice reform, passing legislation to end prison gerrymandering and a new “clean slate” bill to automatically expunge the records of people convicted of misdemeanors and less serious felonies after seven or 10 years without committing another crime.

Connecticut was the most expensive state in the country for prison phone calls — now, Connecticut is the first state in the country to allow free phone calls between incarcerated people and their loved ones.

John, Governor Lamont is leading the Connecticut Comeback, and this is just scratching the surface. If you can, please chip in $20 to help the Connecticut Democratic Party continue protecting our majorities in the upcoming midterms to ensure that this progress continues. [[link removed]]

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Thank you for supporting Connecticut Democrats!

Nancy DiNardo
CT Democratic Party Chair
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
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