bill, Save Our Future Act,
introduced in Senate
The drumbeat to price carbon continues as Senators Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) and Brian Schatz (HI) today introduced the Save Our Future Act, comprehensive legislation that dramatically reduces emissions and protects environmental justice and coal communities. In a statement, CCL Executive Director Mark Reynolds said, “The Save Our Future Act would place an ambitious price on carbon to reduce America's emissions, but it doesn't stop there. This legislation would also address long-standing environmental justice concerns by directly pricing emissions of fossil fuel co-pollutants in frontline communities, and it would invest in coal communities to support them through the transition to a clean energy economy.” The bill is drawing positive comments from unions and environmental justice organizations. “Senators Whitehouse and Schatz are leading the difficult but important conversations about how America’s energy transition impacts almost 100,000 individuals working in coal and mining facilities today,” said Utility Workers Union of America President James Slevin. “It’s past time for polluters to be held accountable for their transgressions against people and planet alike,” said the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance and New York Lawyers for the Public Interest in a joint statement. “Senators Schatz and Whitehouse have introduced a commonsense emissions pricing mechanism that, if ratified, will end the practice of polluting with impunity by the fossil fuel industry and associated harmful processes.” Learn more about this legislation in Sen. Whitehouse’s press release.
Speaking of carbon pricing momentum… In the past two weeks, 10 more House members have cosponsored the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, bringing the total number of cosponsors to 68. With CCL volunteers conducting lobbying meetings this month, we can expect to see more cosponsors in the weeks ahead. Tweet your thanks to the new cosponsors with CCL’s online action tool. Looking for a job? Citizens’ Climate Education currently has openings for four positions candidates can apply for: Director of Government Affairs, Conservative Outreach Coordinator, Content Marketing Manager, and Government Affairs Coordinator. |