
Over the weekend, Mitch McConnell bragged on far-right radio about blocking President Obama from appointing Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. He said it was the most consequential thing he’s done in the Senate and that he would do it again if he takes back his position as Majority Leader. McConnell said he would do whatever it takes to prevent President Biden from filling any seat on the Supreme Court given the chance—even if that meant leaving the seat open for years.

Mitch McConnell is as partisan as it gets. He doesn’t care about precedent or what’s best for the country—he wants to notch wins for the far-right. In 2016, he blocked President Obama from filling a Supreme Court vacancy by falsely claiming he could not appoint a new justice during an election year. In 2020, he helped Donald Trump rush Amy Coney Barrett into a lifetime appointment just a few weeks before Americans went to the polls.

It would be a disaster if Mitch McConnell became the Majority Leader after the 2022 midterms, John. So we need to do everything we can to preserve our Democratic majorities in the House and Senate.

Will you add your name right now to commit to working to stop Mitch McConnell from regaining control of the Senate in 2022?

McConnell helped push through the absolute worst of Trump’s agenda, and now, even after losing much of his power in the last election, he is hellbent on obstructing President Biden’s legislative agenda.

Let’s do everything we can to stop him from becoming the Majority Leader again.


—Team Moulton