We are Green. We commit to full and complete reparations to the African American community of this nation for the past four hundred plus years of genocide, slavery, land-loss, destruction of original identity and the stark disparities which haunt the present evidenced in unemployment statistics, substandard and inadequate education, higher levels of mortality including infant and maternal mortality and the practice of mass incarceration. We recognize that reparations are a debt (not charity) that is owed by our own and other nations and by the corporate institutions chartered under our laws to a collective of people.
We understand that until significant steps are taken to reverse the ongoing abuses; to end the criminalization of the Black and Brown communities, to eradicate poverty, to invest in education, health care and the restoration and protection of human rights, that it will be impossible to repair the continuing damage wrought by the ideology of white supremacy which permeates the governing institutions of our nation.
Wed, Jun 16, 7:30pm - 8:30pm CDT
Hosted by Green Party of Minnesota, Green Party and US Green Party Black Caucus
Sat, June 19, 11am CST
We Are Green!
You will have access to setup petitions, letter campaigns, fundraisers and more!
Defend Courageous Journalism! Defend Julian Assange!
Medicare for All Now!
Greens support a Medicare-for-all, single-payer health-care system. This would not only fulfill a basic government obligation to meet the essential needs of its people; it would also be a boom to our economy, as both businesses and consumers would be relieved of the crippling burden of paying for overpriced, wasteful private health insurance.
Wed, Jun 16, 6:00pm - 7:00pm CDT
Nationwide Medicare for All March
July 24th, 11am -2pm CST
Join the Illinois Green Party in mass organizing efforts at, or consider a donation for a good cause at Green Party does not take corporate contributions. #WeAreGreen
Outreach Monthly Meeting
June 22 from 6-8pm CST
Save the Date for the Green Party USA National Meeting
July 15-18
Live Green. Be Green. Never Settle.
With peace,
Illinois Green Party Outreach
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