From Heidi L. Sieck <>
Subject Re: Operational Objectives
Date June 16, 2021 8:59 PM
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Our work won’t be done until government entities no longer play a role in limiting reproductive freedom.

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The threat to reproductive freedom has never been direr, and we know you are as deeply concerned about it as we are.

Our mission at #VOTEPROCHOICE has always been to protect and expand reproductive freedom by informing and engaging the nation’s prochoice majority to elect prochoice champions in critical races.

Our work won’t be done until government entities no longer play a role in limiting reproductive freedom.

I wanted to share our long-term strategic plan, but before I get into the details, if you already know that you are ready to invest in this critical work, please contribute here. ([link removed])

All people in America must be empowered to realize the human right to freedom, to bodily autonomy, and to the right to live in thriving, healthy sustainable communities.

This must include unrestricted access to abortion and reproductive health care services that are safe, affordable, and respectful.

The #VOTEPROCHOICE Team focuses on three critical areas, given the urgency of the recent challenges to Roe v. Wade — engaging prochoice voters, electing prochoice candidates, and meaningfully collaborating with partners.

Here are a few of our organizational objectives:

Our priority is to inform and engage prochoice voters with valuable resources and accurate information. People may think that 2021 is an off-year, but there are nearly 40,000+ races on the ballot throughout the country. That’s why we’ve already endorsed and supported candidates in 12 states, creating voting slates and resources to increase down-ballot turnout.

And as voting and elections shift under the weight of attacks on our election integrity and new ways to vote (like ranked-choice voting!) voter education is more important than ever.

Elected officials are integral to protecting bodily autonomy and fighting for access to reproductive care. Our incredible down-ballot prochoice candidates are the first line of defense as the constitutional protection of abortion and reproductive health care services are being dismantled.

That’s why we’re committing even more time and resources to coach and elect prochoice champions, prioritizing states, municipalities, school boards, prosecutorial and judicial races that emphasize leadership development.

None of this work happens in a vacuum.

So we’re expanding our partnerships and deepening our relationships with existing allies — collaboration provides practical infrastructure for collective wins.

We strive to be an ally to the reproductive justice framework, and we encourage and support our partners to integrate and prioritize reproductive freedom in their work.

John, we’ve got a lot of work to do. Can you contribute now to help power our multi-pronged approach to prochoice work by ensuring that we have the resources we need? ([link removed])

Over 7 in 10 American voters believe everyone should have access to an abortion that is safe, legal, accessible, affordable, and without shame.

By helping us continue to motivate and inform voters, we know that communities will vote prochoice down the ballot.

In solidarity,
Heidi L. Sieck

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#VOTEPROCHOICE is electing a new class of prochoice champions to fight for our autonomy to control our own bodies. Every elected official must protect reproductive freedom. If you want to support our work to elect prochoice champions at every level and empower prochoice voters to elect candidates who truly represent our values of full personal body autonomy, ** please make a contribution today! ([link removed])

Our mailing address is:
PO Box 1452
New York, NY 10276-1452
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