Folks, I had to bump up my message from this morning and ask you one final time:

Will you chip in a donation of anything you can afford to help us reach our critical mid-month goal by midnight? We’re about 94% of the way there.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

--------------Begin forwarded message--------------

Hi folks,

With our mid-month deadline closing at midnight, I wanted to personally ask if you’ll add a contribution to our campaign right now. Let me quickly explain.

Look, I get it. Folks are tuning out now that Democrats have control of Washington. But we cannot take our foot off of the gas — because Mitch McConnell sure isn’t.

Republicans have raised a whopping $40 million so far this year and have already begun launching nasty attacks against vulnerable Democrats.

To make matters worse, we’re expecting our numbers to take a huge nose dive when the summer slump hits us.

As more people get vaccinated and the weather gets nicer, folks stop looking at their inboxes (as they should!), but that means we have to work twice as hard just to play catch up.

Most people chip in about $5 to these emails. Will you double that donation and chip in $10 to help us prepare for the summer slump? It might not seem like a lot now, but if everyone reading this email makes a grassroots contribution, it’ll add up — big time.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

I can’t express enough how much I appreciate your support. You’ve made such a difference for our team, I hope I can keep counting on you.

— Hick