Hello Vaccine Choice Canada members and supporters, Today we are officially launching our Stand for Health Freedom Canada platform with a very important initiative: Stop Childhood COVID Vaccination Campaign
You are invited to sign up at Stand for Health Freedom Canada here to receive regular alerts, pre-written and modifiable letters which will go to your MP or MPP/MLA or any other designated officials as needed. This is a very important initiative to continue sharing our urgent messages with our representatives. It will take you literally seconds to
write and/or tweet your representatives with these important messages once you are signed up. We do not share your email addresses with anyone, not even another site we control, so please take two minutes to sign up here. Below is the content of our first initiative. Watch for more in the coming days and weeks. Thank you for taking this extra step to hold our representatives accountable. Gisele Baribeau, Director, Vaccine Choice Canada VCC: Advocating for informed consent and voluntary medical decisions