Wolf's Crossing reconstruction gets green light and another $91,820 to move project forward
 Grant and IDOT approval mark the latest successes in Oswego?s push to reconstruct major thoroughfare
The reconstruction and widening of Wolf?s Crossing Road is closer than ever thanks to another recent funding announcement and a project approval announced by the Illinois Department of Transportation today.
On Thursday, June 10, the Village of Oswego received confirmation that the State of Illinois would release $91,820 in Illinois Transportation Alternative Program grant funds for pedestrian-related improvements near Wolf?s Crossing and Harvey Road. Today, IDOT announced it has approved Phase 2 Engineering for that intersection that will allow the project to move forward into the design and construction phases.
The intersection of Wolf?s Crossing and Harvey Road is the first of ten segments of Wolf?s Crossing slated for reconstruction under the Village?s multi-phase plan for the east-west thoroughfare. As a result of the two announcements, this first segment is now fully funded and approved, and construction is expected to begin within the next two years.
?This has been a central and immediate focus since our election.? Village President Troy Parlier said. ?One month after taking office we convened a meeting with our intergovernmental partners at the local, county, state and federal levels to find a way to make this a reality. I?m very happy for our residents to see the pieces come together so rapidly.?
Oswego?s push for funding
Village of Oswego leadership has been actively advocating for the $64 million needed to reconstruct the aging roadway, reduce congestion and accommodate new residential growth along the corridor since 2019, when Village President Parlier hosted a meeting with state legislators at Plank Junior High to make a renewed appeal for the Wolf?s Crossing project.
Parlier subsequently sent letters to each of Oswego?s eight state legislators, asking them to prioritize state funding for the roadway.
In early 2020, Village staff received Illinois Department of Transportation approval for the Phase 1 Engineering Study of the Wolf?s Crossing corridor, allowing the project to move forward. In September 2020, the Oswego Village Board approved a contract with Alfred Benesch for Phase 2 Engineering for the improvements for the first segment at Wolf?s Crossing and Harvey Road.
Over the past two weeks, several funding announcements have been made benefitting the first two segments of the project:
On June 1, 2021, the Illinois General Assembly passed SB 2800, reappropriating our grant funds from the 2019 Capital Bill and including $942,000 for the intersection of Wolf?s Crossing and Harvey Roads near Oswego East High School. This includes grants from:
- State Senator Linda Holmes (42nd), $250,000
- State Representative Stephanie Kifowit (84th), $240,000
- State Representative Mark Batinick (96th), $212,000
- State Senator Sue Rezin (38th) and State Representative David Welter (75th), $200,000
- State Representative Keith Wheeler (50th), $40,000
An additional $2.5 million in Federal Surface Transportation Program funding has also been allocated through the Kane/Kendall Council of Mayors, and IDOT has also committed to contributing up to 10 percent of the total cost of the Route 30 intersection portion of the project.
On June 7, the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure announced that the Wolf?s Crossing project was included in the INVEST in America Act bill introduced in the House this week. Congressman Bill Foster and Congresswoman Lauren Underwood requested a combined $4.8 million for improvements at Wolf?s Crossing and Douglas Road, the second segment of the reconstruction plan. If the INVEST in America Act is approved by Congress in its currently proposed form, construction on the second segment at the intersection of Wolf?s Crossing and Douglas Road would be fully funded pending the support of the Oswego Village Board and could begin within two years.
About the Wolf?s Crossing project
When complete, a 4-mile stretch of Wolf?s Crossing Road will be fully reconstructed with five lanes from Eola/Heggs Road to Southbury Boulevard and three lanes from Southbury to Route 34/71. It will include several roundabouts to ease traffic congestion, underground infrastructure to improve drainage in the area, and paths for bicyclists and pedestrians.
Because of the size and cost of the project, Wolf?s Crossing will be reconstructed in ten segments as funding becomes available from Federal and state partners. In addition to the state and Federal dollars, the Village is contributing local matches from its Capital Improvement Fund. Developers planning to construct new residential neighborhoods along Wolf?s Crossing are also expected to contribute funding for portions of the roadway adjacent to their planned developments.
Completion of all ten segments could take a decade or more, depending on how quickly or slowly funds are identified and allocated to the project. The Village of Oswego continues to identify potential sources of funding and is committed to the completion of the entire project for the future of the corridor.
?Reconstructing Wolf?s Crossing has been one of my top priorities as mayor and has been fully supported by our Board. I want to thank our partners in Springfield and Washington for recognizing just how critical this project is to Oswego and the region,? Village President Troy Parlier said. ?We are also making progress with contributions to the project from private partners. Each dollar we find allows us to move this project forward faster and helps us better serve our residents, including the new residents we know will be moving in as development booms again along Wolf?s Crossing.?
More information about the Wolf?s Crossing project is available at www.oswegoil.org/wolfscrossing.
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