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Our work continues...
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Voting Reform Bill Removes Some Barriers, Creates Others

While the For the People Act will remove significant barriers to voting for people with disabilities, without addressing the unintended consequences of the paper ballot mandate, this important voting legislation will disenfranchise many voters with disabilities.

A blurry image of the roof of a police car with blue and red lights flashing

NDRN Launches Fire Safety Project

NDRN is thrilled to announce the launch of a creative new initiative to improve fire safety protocols for people with disabilities. The project is funded through a grant awarded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. It will include member agencies the Georgia Advocacy Office, the Native American Disability Law Center, the Alaska Disability Law Center, Disability Rights California, and American Somoa Protection and Advocacy.

a judge's gavel

COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act Passed

This vital legislation includes what was initially known as the Khalid Jabara and Heather Heyer National Opposition to Hate, Assault, and Threats to Equality Act, a bill NDRN has long supported. “We stand as an ally with the Asian American and Pacific Islander community who have experienced a rise in hate-based crimes since the start of the pandemic,” said NDRN Executive Director Curt Decker.

the United States Capitol Building

Keep Students Safe

We need you to contact Congress and tell them to pass the Keeping All Students Safe Act. This bill would make it illegal for any school receiving federal funds to seclude a child or use dangerous restraint practices that restrict breathing. Restraint and seclusion endangers the lives of students with disabilities and must be stopped.


If you think it is important for NDRN to continue to protect and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities, please donate to support this work. Thank you!


National Disability Rights Network
820 First Street NE Suite 740 | Washington, District of Columbia 20002
(202) 408-9514 | [email protected]

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