After murderous adherents of Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6 with the express intention of overturning the 2020 election, many corporations announced changes to their political spending.
- Some companies pledged to stop — though perhaps only temporarily — contributing to Republican elected officials who perpetuated the Big Lie that Trump won the election and who supported efforts to keep Trump in power.
- Other companies pledged to stop — again, perhaps only temporarily — contributing to all candidates, regardless of party.
- Not at all surprisingly, Corporate America is quietly resuming its interference in our democracy as January 6 recedes from recent memory.
- This week, we learned that Boeing is again contributing to several Republican members of Congress who voted to overturn the 2020 election.
- By the way, Boeing doesn’t just make airplanes. It is, some are surprised to learn, the second largest military contractor in the world.
In a statement once their renewed spending was uncovered, Boeing said this:
“We will continue to carefully evaluate our giving to ensure we support candidates who support our business and policy priorities as well as the interests of our customers, diverse workforce, and the communities where we live and work.”
Did you catch that?
Boeing is admitting that whether politicians are trying to undermine our democracy is irrelevant to the company’s political spending. All that matters is whether those politicians can help Boeing make more money.
Tell Boeing:
Good grief. Some things are more important than your profits. One of those things is our democracy. It is shameful, selfish, and short-sighted to put your greed before the very survival of our democracy. Boeing should discontinue its political spending altogether. At the very least, you should be able to muster the courage and morality to never give another dollar to any candidate or elected official who perpetuated the Big Lie that Donald Trump won the 2020 election, who encouraged the January 6 insurrection, who voted to overturn the election, or who is actively undermining our democracy through legislation that makes it harder for Americans to vote.
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For democracy,
- Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen
P.S. For half a century, Public Citizen has been advancing policies that put the needs of everyday Americans before the greed of billionaires and Big Business. That legacy of progress and that ongoing work could not matter more right now, as our nation transitions to a Joe Biden presidency that will be as progressive as we — you and Public Citizen, together — make it. We’re also busy undoing all the damage Trump did. And, like so many nonprofits and small businesses, we continue to experience financial strain related to the coronavirus pandemic. If you can, please make an emergency donation today to support the critical work we’re doing together or even join our popular Monthly Giving program. Thank you.
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