Dear friend,
The Senate Judiciary Committee has now considered the First Step Implementation Act, the Safer Detention Act, and the Prohibiting Punishment for Acquitted Conduct Act. I'm happy to say that the hard work of advocates like you has paid off—all three bills have been approved by the committee!
This is excellent news—but the fight isn't over. Now, these bills will be considered by the full Senate, where we hope they will get a vote soon. We will need to fight for every vote we can, because it will take 60 votes for these bills to pass the full Senate.
You can help us in that effort by contacting your senators today. Will you take a minute now to email your senators in support of the First Step Implementation Act?
There’s more good news: this Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing about sentencing reform and the War on Drugs. The Senate Judiciary Committee will also hold a hearing in the near future about the crack and powder cocaine sentencing disparity. We're looking forward to hearing experts discuss the need for sentencing reform before Congress.
Thank you for everything you do to help us fight for a smarter, fairer justice system.

Kevin Ring
President, FAMM