Dear Friend,

Wondering why we’re paying more at the pump? 

Transportation companies faced a truck driver shortage even before the pandemic. But the excessive government aid is making it even harder for companies to find tanker truck drivers, and it is slowing the transport of fuel around the country.

Through our new Center for Economic Opportunity (CEO), we’re tracking these economic issues in real-time so you don’t have to.

Learn the latest with labor force issues, supply chain challenges, excessive government aid, rising costs of food, and shortages of household goods by signing up for the CEO’s newsletter, The Pointer.

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The Biden administration and liberals in Congress have staked out a strategy of skyrocketing federal spending to stimulate the economy, in part, by flooding households with cash. 

It is no surprise that workers are opting out of the workforce. In the aggregate, these decisions are creating a drag on the economy at the worst time.

Half of all states are ending the federal unemployment bonus. It’s time to slow the flow of cash and for Washington to reign in spending. 

Our economic rebound is at stake.

Sign up for The Pointer and get alerts today.

Patrice Onwuka
Director, Center for Economic Opportunity (CEO)