The future of our democracy, whether we allow Jim Crow 2.0 to stand or whether we protect the right to vote, depends on how President Biden responds in this moment. If he does not do everything within his power to sway the votes needed to end the filibuster and pass the For The People Act, we will lose so much of the progress made since 1965 to ensure every person has an equal voice and an equal vote.

As former US Secretary of Labor Robert Reich has recently written: “America is again approaching a crucial decision point on the most fundamental right of all in a democracy — the right to vote. The result will either be the biggest advance since LBJ’s landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, or the biggest setback since the end of Reconstruction and start of Jim Crow in the 1870s.”

“The decisive factor,” Reich continues, “will be President Joe Biden...It’s time for him to assert the kind of leadership LBJ asserted more than a half-century ago on civil and voting rights.”

Sign if you agree: President Biden must act now to end the filibuster.

In solidarity,

John Bonifaz
President, Free Speech For People

Paid for by Free Speech For People
[email protected]

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