We'd like to hear from you, John.

Dave Muhlbauer is a farmer running in Iowa to take back a battleground U.S. Senate seat in Iowa for the Democrats, and he'd like to hear about what folks care about the most -- and what they'd like to see change.

Do you have a minute to take our survey on the issues that matter most to you? Dave Muhlbauer is running his campaign to represent working families, those who have been left behind by politicians and big money corporations influencing our system. Real, tangible change needs to happen -- we know most folks would agree.

Your thoughts and time are valuable, so we're just asking for a few minutes out of your day to help us get to know you, your biggest concerns, and hopes for the future of our country.

Don't hesitate, it'll be quick and easy, so please let your voice be heard.

Click this link to make your voice heard today, and if Dave's message resonates with you, make a donation to his campaign so we can flip this battleground Senate seat.

Much appreciated,

Team Muhlbauer